Basic sewing knowledge is required!
I recommend using minky fabric for the sleeved/sleeveless outfits, and cotton for the detachable collar.
Cut out the entire pattern regardless of the length that you want! You can always fold up the piece if you want a shorter length.
Seam allowance is already included in the pattern. So far, this pattern is only for the following animals: cats, cubs, deer, dogs, frogs, and rabbits.
Cubs, and frogs are proportionally shorter, so make sure you use the right lengths!
Squirrels can also use these patterns, however, the velcro should only be sewn down midway down the back of the outfit- any more and the tail will be in the way.
The ducks will have their own patterns (work in progress).
Use the links to the side to jump to each specific outfit tutorial!

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
Patterns in progress: kimono
Short/Long Sleeved Shirt/Sweater/Dress Tutorial
Print out the patterns- short/long sleeves and sleeveless clothing/detachable collar.
Step 1:
There should be:
2x sleeves (#4 & #5)
1x collar (#6)
1x front shirt (#1)
2x back shirts, mirrored (#2 & #3)
1x velcro strip, measuring 0.5 inch wide (1.3 cm) by 3 inches long (7.6 cm) (not pictured)*
*I used 1 inch wide velcro which I just cut in half width-wise
Step 2:
For reference, the colored side of the shirt is the "right side". The blank side is the "wrong side".
Lay the sleeve piece, right side down, on top of the shirt. Pin and sew the sleeves to the shirt.
Step 3:
Repeat through the rest of the shirt.
Step 4:
This is how the front should look like.
Step 5:
Now the collar piece needs to be sewn to the shirt. Find the middle of the collar and pin the right sides of the fabric together to the middle of the shirt, then pin as needed until the ends match up.
Step 6:
Here's how it should look like once pinned down. (Use as many pins as needed). Sew a straight line across the top. The bottom picture is an image of how it should look afterwards.
Step 7:
This is how the back of the shirt will look like at this point.
Step 8:
Follow the hemline that you just finished sewing, and press it upwards toward the collar.
Next, you should fold the collar down to overlap the hemline.
Step 9:
Do this all around the length of the collar, then pin down the collar, making sure to catch both sides of the fabric.
Step 10:
Flip over the shirt, and sew as close to the hemline as you can (the blue line in the image).
Step 11:
This is how it will look like on the inside if sewn correctly. The raw edges should all be covered by the collar.
Step 12:
Now flip it over and fold down the sleeves, matching the bottom hems and sew them together.
Step 13:
Do the same for the other side.
Step 14:
On to hemming the bottom of the shirt. Fold it up about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm), and sew it down.
You'll also need to hem the sleeves. Fold up the fabric about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm), and sew it down.*
*no pics for this process, sorry!
Step 15:
Flip the shirt over, and place the velcro pieces like so.
One will be on the end of the piece, and the other will be about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm)- about the width of your velcro- away from the edge.
Try to match the velcro positions as much as possible. I like to place them as close to the top as I can.
Step 16:
Fold down the exposed sides of the fabric and sew down the velcro. Both sides should be folded down.
Step 17:
Here's how it'll look like once finished.
Step 18:
Another view.
Step 19:
Almost there! They should match up nicely.
Step 20:
Last step- snip the inside corners of the shirt, but make sure not to accidentally snip the thread. This is so that once the shirt is flipped, it'll be a crisp corner without excess bulk.
And voila! Finished! Now Fauna has a new sweater.
Sleeveless Vest/Sweater/Dress Tutorial
Print out the patterns- short/long sleeves and sleeveless clothing/detachable collar.
Step 1:
There should be:
1x front sleeveless dress (#3)
2x underarm pieces
1x velcro strip, measuring 0.5 inch wide (1.3 cm) by 3 inches long (7.6 cm) (not pictured)*
*I used 1 inch wide velcro which I just cut in half width-wise
Step 2:
For reference, the colored side of the shirt is the "right side". The blank side is the "wrong side".
Take your underarm piece and place it right side down against the front sleeveless dress piece. Sew it like the image, creating a rectangle at the bottom of the "U".
Step 3:
Do the same on the other side.
Step 4:
Snip the inside corners of the sleeveless dress, but make sure not to accidentally snip the thread. This is so that once the sleeveless is flipped, it'll be a crisp corner without excess bulk.
Step 5:
Now place the right sides together and sew down the dart in the middle of the sleeveless dress.
Step 6:
Taking the fabric from the underarm piece, you'll want to pull it and pin it down to the wrong side of the fabric.
The bottom image is how it'll look like from the front. Now sew it down.
Step 7:
This is how it should look like once completed.
Step 8:
We need to hem the bottom of the sleeveless dress. Flip it over and fold it up about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm), and sew it down.
Step 9:
On to hemming the top part of the sleeveless dress. Fold it down about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm). While you're sewing this down, you'll want to bridge the gap between the underarm pieces. Watch the video below for a demonstration!

Step 10:
Make sure you sew over the gap a few times! I did a few backstitches.
*disclaimer: ideally you would have pinned down the fabric before doing this step, but I didn't in the video
Step 11:
Flip the shirt over, and place the velcro pieces like so.
One will be on the end of the piece, and the other will be about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm)- about the width of your velcro- away from the edge.
Try to match the velcro positions as much as possible. I like to place them as close to the top as I can.
Step 12:
Fold down the exposed sides of the fabric and sew down the velcro. Both sides should be folded down.
Step 13:
And you're done!
Here's a happy Fauna wearing her new belted dress.
Detachable Collar Tutorial
Print out the patterns- short/long sleeves and sleeveless clothing/detachable collar.
Step 1:
There should be:
1x front collar (#1)
2x side collar, mirrored (#3 & #4)
1x collar (#2)
1x velcro strip
Step 2:
Make sure you know which side is the "right side" and "wrong side"! It's hard to tell with normal white cotton fabric.
Place the two side collar pieces on top of the front collar, lining up the edges together. There should be a gap in the middle. Sew over the top.
Step 3:
This is how it should look like once sewn.
Step 4:
Place the piece you just finished sewing and match it with the collar, sandwiching the right sides of the fabric together.
Step 5:
Sew around the outside edges, leaving a section of the top opened. We'll be using this to flip it inside out later.
Step 6:
The inner corners need to be snipped close to the seam line, to reduce bulk in the area.
Step 7:
Now we're going to create a crisp corner. Starting with the bottom right corner, you're going to place your pointer finger in the corner as shown.
Step 8:
Use your thumb to fold the fabric upwards- you'll only be folding up the fabric that's outside of your seam line.
Step 9:
Do the same to the right side, creating a corner.
Step 10:
Flip out the corner, using your thumb and finger to hold and push out the fabric. Ta-dah! You should now have an angular edge. Repeat the same for the other sides.
Step 11:
Here's how the collar looks like flipped out. Sew over the top of the fabric, encasing the raw edges of the hole.
If you want to add velcro, you can sew it on at this stage, but I chose to leave it out.

Finished! Now you can make Punchy a very posh boy.
Here's a video of how to dress them up with the collar if you sewed the collar without using velcro.
I put the side with the visible seam line down- having this lets the collar fold down easier.